'TINA'bag_ brown
Tina bag is a baggy bag intended for all the things that we don't carry in our small purse. The spacious bag has a zippered pocket on the inside, and a magnetic pocket on the outside for small handy things. The handle, which is a combination of metal chain and leather, is long enough to be carried on the shoulder.
Tina torba je vrečasta torba, namenjena vsem stvarem, ki jih ne nosimo v svoji mali torbici. Prostorna torba ima v notranjosti žep na zadrgo , na zunanji strani pa žep na magnet namenjen manjšim priročnim stvarem. Ročaj, ki je kombinacija ketne in usnja je dovolj dolg, da ga nosimo na rami. Zapira se na magnet.
100% leather / 100%usnje
lining PES / podloga PES
1 inner pocket + 1 pocket on the outside / 1 noranji žep + 1 zunanji žep
This one: brown leather with patteren / rjavo usnje z vzorcem
Tina bag is a baggy bag intended for all the things that we don't carry in our small purse. The spacious bag has a zippered pocket on the inside, and a magnetic pocket on the outside for small handy things. The handle, which is a combination of metal chain and leather, is long enough to be carried on the shoulder.
Tina torba je vrečasta torba, namenjena vsem stvarem, ki jih ne nosimo v svoji mali torbici. Prostorna torba ima v notranjosti žep na zadrgo , na zunanji strani pa žep na magnet namenjen manjšim priročnim stvarem. Ročaj, ki je kombinacija ketne in usnja je dovolj dolg, da ga nosimo na rami. Zapira se na magnet.
100% leather / 100%usnje
lining PES / podloga PES
1 inner pocket + 1 pocket on the outside / 1 noranji žep + 1 zunanji žep
This one: brown leather with patteren / rjavo usnje z vzorcem
Tina bag is a baggy bag intended for all the things that we don't carry in our small purse. The spacious bag has a zippered pocket on the inside, and a magnetic pocket on the outside for small handy things. The handle, which is a combination of metal chain and leather, is long enough to be carried on the shoulder.
Tina torba je vrečasta torba, namenjena vsem stvarem, ki jih ne nosimo v svoji mali torbici. Prostorna torba ima v notranjosti žep na zadrgo , na zunanji strani pa žep na magnet namenjen manjšim priročnim stvarem. Ročaj, ki je kombinacija ketne in usnja je dovolj dolg, da ga nosimo na rami. Zapira se na magnet.
100% leather / 100%usnje
lining PES / podloga PES
1 inner pocket + 1 pocket on the outside / 1 noranji žep + 1 zunanji žep
This one: brown leather with patteren / rjavo usnje z vzorcem