Timeless stories, committed to ethics and sustainability. Stories with details.

#supportslovenian #supportlocal

Zgodbe brez časa, zavezane etiki in trajnosti. Zgodbe z detajli. #podpirajmoslovensko #podpirajmolokalno



The concept of the brand tries to bypass the determination of time. The collections of small series combine and complement each other. They build the personal style of the individual which is not limited by trend but remains true to itself and its own style.


Koncept blagovne znamke poskuša zaobiti determinacijo časa. Kolekcije manjših serij se med seboj kombinirajo ter dopolnjujejo in s tem gradijo osebni stil posameznika, ki se ne omejuje na trende, temveč ostaja zvest sebi in svojemu stilu.


The SofiaNogard brand has been present on the Slovenian market for many years and has consequently been co-creating Slovenian fashion.

At SofiaNogard, we produce small series of clothes and accessories.

We pay attention to the choice of materials asa well as the production itself.

For bags and clothes, we use high-quality materials from 'dead stock' of proven European manufacturers.

What are "dead stock" materials: these are materials from big brands that have not been used or are left over from previous collections. Instead of being destroyed, they are resold. #sustainable

We entrust the production of our clothes, bags and accessories to the experienced hands of Slovenian craftsmen and creators, who with their diligent and precise production contribute to the quality of the products.

#whomadeyourclothes #slowfashion #izdelanovsloveniji #lokalnoizdelano



Blagovna znamka SofiaNogard je že leta prisotna na slovenskem trgu in s tem soustvarja slovensko modo.

Pri SofiaNogard izdelujemo manjše serije oblačil in dodatkov.

Pozornost posvečamo tako izboru materialov, kot sami izdelavi.

Za torbe in oblačila uporabljamo visokokvalitetne materiale iz 'dead stock' preverjenega izvora evropskih proizvajalcev.

Kaj so »dead stock« materiali: to so materiali velikih blagovnih znamk, ki niso bili uporabljeni ali pa so ostali od prejšnih kolekcij. Namesto na uničenje gredo v preprodajo. #trajnostno

Izdelavo naših oblačil, torb in dodatkov zaupamo izkušenim rokam slovenskih obrtnikov in ustvarjalcev, ki s svojo vestno in natančno izdelavo pripomorejo h kvaliteti izdelkov.

#whomadeyourclothes #locallymade #madeinslovenia


We admire the pieces that make us repeatedly discover interesting details. Be it the material, incription or tiny things which are unnoticeable at firt glance.


Občudujemo kose, pri katerih vedno znova odkrivamo zanimive detajle. Pa naj bo to material, napis ali drobne malenkosti, ki so s prvim pogledom zakrite. #bodimodrugačni

The Story.

Keep it personal, as personal as your style.

We live in a demanding society. Thereare a lot of things, many different stories around us, and only a few are the real ones that actually speak to us and offer us something more;

A story, an ethical background to meet the hands that made the product. To have a chance to chat with the one whose idea has overcome us and to see how much effort, time and sacrifice it takes for the shape we admire and desire.


Let’s be differernt, let’s create our own vision, let’s create our own style.

designer MIJA Curk

Mija Curk _ SofiaNogard_ portret.jpg


Naj bo osebno, kot je oseben vaš stil.

Živimo v zahtevni družbi. Okrog nas je veliko stvari, veliko različnih zgodb in le nekaj je tistega pravega ki nas dejansko nagovori in nam ponudi nekaj več;

Zgodbo, etično ozadje, da spoznamo roke ki so naredile izdelek. da imamo priliko poklepetat s tistim katerega ideja nas je prevzela in vidimo koliko truda, časa in odrekanja je potrebnega za obliko, ki jo občudujemo in si jo želimo.


Bodimo drugačni, ustvarjajmo svojo vizijo ustvarjajmo svoj stil!

oblikovalka MIJA Curk